Greetings fellow students and bloggers,

This is the first blog I've ever created and I'm both happy and relieved to report it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. When asked to do something that you've never done before and don't even know where to start, the initial reaction for some people (like myself) can often be a mix of panic and anxiety. haha
Someone once said "The thing you don't want to learn is probably the thing you need to learn the most". When I start to feel like I can't do something before I even start I remember these words. To be honest, the idea of posting my thoughts and opinions in such an open, interactive format made me nervous but I'm intrigued by what I will learn along the way from myself, my classmates, and anyone who reads my blog.

I do not consider myself a writer, so please be gentle with the comments on my posts.'s all about learning. :-)

Stay tuned for my posts and updates.

Bye for now,

Tara Jones

Friday, January 20, 2012

Formatting I'm trying to learn how to format things on this blog. It will look perfect and than I publish the post and the words and pictures are all out of whack. It will get better as I go. Sorry! haha

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